Friday, July 18, 2008

Fruits and Juices Important for Relieving Hemorrhoids Part I

Chili PeppersIt has been found that when you eat a lot of chili peppersthat you can get a burning sensation in the rectum or anus.It is best to avoid eating too many peppers, especially if youhave an advance case of hemorrhoids. Peppers are actuallygood for blood circulation and for healing ulcers. It is alwaysthe excess that creates problems in your body.Here are some additional foods to avoid, which cause constipation.• Coffee• Alcohol• Bad Fats• Animal products• Red meatFoods you should be eating to help relieve hemorrhoidsA high fiber diet obtained from raw fruits and vegetables is what you need to eat for eliminating and for preventing constipation. When you don’t have constipation, you won’t have hemorrhoids.The amount of fiber you should be eating is 25 35 grams per day. Most people only eat about 8 – 12 grams per day.If you have not been eating a lot of fiber, you need to addfiber slowly to your diet, especially if you add it by usingbran. Increase your use of bran or other bran cereals overa couple of weeks.If you add fiber to your diet with fruits and vegetables, you can add them freely without much problem. However, since your stomach will not be use to it, you may experience more gas for a week or two. You can compensate for this by taking digestive enzymes to help you digest the extra produce.The following list of juices and fruits are good for helping cure or relieveHemorrhoids.JuicesJuices are good for hemorrhoids but especially dark berryjuices mixed with equal parts of apple juice. The dark berryjuices to use are,Cherries, blackberries, blueberriesThese berries contain “anthocyanins” and“proanthocyanidins” which reduce hemorrhoidal pain andSwelling by toning and strengthening the hemorrhoidveins. Drink at least one glass of this juice mixture each day.CantaloupeCantaloupes are one of the best foods you can eat. It has agood source of vitamins and minerals. It has a high beta-carotenelevel and has anti-clogging properties.Red and Black Currant BerriesCurrants are high in Vitamin C, rutin, and minerals. Thismakes their juice valuable in clearing hemorrhoids. The alsohave a small amount of the fatty acid GLA, which produceprostaglandin that control body pain.This juice is also good for cleansing the liver and blood.Good liver function is necessary for maintaining a healthycolon, rectum and anus.Drink 1 –2 glasses a day of red or black currant berries.Pomegranate JuiceAlthough pomegranate juice may be hard to find, it is quiteuseful in reducing hemorrhoids, because of its strongastringency. Saturate a cotton ball with pomegranate juiceand push it slightly into your rectum.If you have pinworms, the tannins in pomegranate juice willhelp you get rid of them. You can also drink the juice.During the summer I have on occasion found pomegranatejuice at a farmers market. It is slightly tart but it is easy todrink. However, it’s hard to drink more than a glass full withoutgetting a stomach upset.Oranges and bananasEat 2-3 oranges and 2 bananas a day. Oranges providevitamin C, bioflavonoids, and fiber. Bananas provideminerals that help to strengthen tissue and have plenty offiber. Bananas can also be steamed to give more relief and eveneliminate hemorrhoids. Steam two not quite ripe bananas with their peel until they are soft. Eat two in the morning and two in the evening.PapayaPapaya is an excellent fruit to eat. It has good mineralcontent, fiber, and has enzymes to digest protein.These are the fruits and juices to use to for relieving hemorrhoids. Adding more vegetables to your eating habits is also important to get more fiber. These fruits, juices, and vegetables will help you keep regular and provide pain and inflammation relief for your hemorrhoid symptoms
About the Author: Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called “” and he has written an ebook called “How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies.”

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